Monday 28 October 2013

A lot of people wonder why I don't like to take pictures .
Like a group photo for example;
I'll always insist on taking the picture for them or I'll find any other
last-minute reason just to get behind the camera .

See, I'm really insecure about myself on pictures .
I don't really look good on them and it concerns/bothers me about
what other people will think when they see me in that certain picture .
" Ew, ugly "
" She spoils the picture "
" This one here is fat, gross "

I could almost hear them all from your minds .

I think I'm scared of camera lenses and stuff, is that even legit ?
Every time someone wants a picture with me and we have
a third person snapping it for us,
I feel uneasy, uncomfortable and I feel like I just want to cry .
My lips/smile would start to quiver and my hands will tremble .
It sounds dramatic but it happens !
I just get really self-conscious and my heart palpitation rapidly increases .
It's the same effect I have when I'm in a crowded place .
I just can't have pairs of eyes looking at me for more than 30 seconds .
I will feel anxious and I will start to panic .
Like what are you looking at ?
Is there something on my face ?
Is my hair messy ?
Am I too ugly to be within your sight ?
Stop . Looking . At . Me
Go away .
Or Look somewhere else like that 50% off sale discount sign .
Just don't look at me .

Every time someone looks at you for more than 30 seconds,
they're only thinking TWO things .
" Wow, she's so beautiful "
" Who let that dog out ? Ew "

And I always assume it's the second one .
I've been told I was ugly and slowly I've gotten myself
to believe I am .
And I live my life by that .
Anyways back to topic,
the only times I would actually take a picture is when I'm alone,
selfies yay .
Because no one's there to watch or judge .
Or when I'm with my close friends or people who I'm comfortable with,
but in a quiet area where there is no one watching us of course .
Other than that, it's a no from me .
Ahha, anyways it's late, I should head to bed,
Nights :)

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