Thursday 24 October 2013

This post is for my sidekick, Ami .

Heyyyyyyyyy Babygirl,
I just wanna say I miss you .
So so so so so so so so so so much .
And I feel really blessed to have you in my life .
You've been a really good friend to me, like seriously .
We fought, I left you, we hated each other at one point of time,
I skipped school and left you to face the cruel outside alone,
there's just so many things, so many ups and downs in our friendship 
but you've always been there for me .
I wanna apologize for not being a good friend to you .
I wasn't there for you when you needed me the most,
I lied to you, I stood you up, I hurt your feelings, et cetera .
I've wasted this whole year of 2013 I know .
I could've spent more time with you, I could've made so much more memories
with you but it didn't happen .
And I honestly regret everything .
But there's 2014 right ? And I promise you that it will change .
It will be better .
I want you to stop cutting yourself, you're too beautiful to do that .
You're laughing to yourself right now, thinking "What a fucking liar"
but no .
You look in the mirror everyday and pull yourself down,
I don't like that .
You can't trust what you see sometimes, Ami .
Mirrors don't show the real person inside .
The real beautiful, beautiful you .
You can't see it but I do .
And I know Syafiq KL does too HAHAHAHA 
you're going to punch me for this but HAHA can't help it .
Anyways, stop that for me okay ?
Once upon a time, I was just like you .
Whatever you did to yourself, I've already done it .
But I stopped, you see .
It was hard but if I can, you can too :)
And stop thinking that no one cares .
I care, Ami and I think you should know that .
If anything wrong ever happens to you, you know I would never
forgive myself .
So here's it ;

Number of people who care about Amirah : 1

and that is me .
And there might be so many other people out there caring for you and you
don't even know it .

I love you .

"Wherever you go, just always remember,
That you've got a home for now and forever,
And if you get low, just call me whenever,
This is my oath to you ."

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