Saturday 19 October 2013

Right now, I'm at my lowest .

I found out I was going to get retained in sec 3 again and obviously I didn't take it very well .
I cried buckets, I think I even cried a river, haha .
I didn't tell anyone about it,
well, Addy found out about it himself,
he has access to my twitter account and he saw Ami's direct message to me .
Yeah, Ami's direct message was one of the most heartbreaking messages
ever ;
Babe, im sad to say this. But cikgu said you retain :'( you did well for your exams, but your attendance "
" Sigh but i hope they can do smth about it to make you get promoted "
Those two sentences was all it took to drown my whole world .
My hopes, my dreams and my future plans came crashing down .
I started to think back about where I went wrong .
I tried my best to come to school even though it wasn't the best attendance I could give, 
I got like up to four detention tickets this year, I didn't care if I was late,
(Usually I'd care, if I was like 5 minutes late, I'd give school a miss)
I studied at home, I did my revisions,
I had study sessions, I wasted people's time;
asking them for help to teach me the stuff I didn't understand .
I just don't get it, at all .
To 'Give Up' was what I wanted to do .
I wanted to stop schooling and just lock myself in my bedroom and die .
I'm such a huge disappointment .
I don't even know how to tell my parents that I am repeating a third year
in Secondary three .
Sure, my Dad would just be like "You can try harder next year"
but I know deep down, he's not okay with it at all .
Don't even get me started on my Mom .
I feel .. lamentable and guilty .
They raised me well, they fed me good food, got me the best things
and fulfilled all my requests and I couldn't even do just one thing
they wanted me to do; 
Which is to excel in life and be a useful and successful person .
I feel like I'm a waste of time, a waste of money and a waste of air .
I texted Ms Katijah, I begged her to do something about it but she said she has no
authority to 'do something about it' .
Though, she did tell me that it wasn't confirmed I was going to get retained next year
as I was already retained this year .
The school is deciding case by case .
That gave me a little ray of hope and a little tug on the lips to smile but
no one said to be happy about it .
I still don't know the actual result until Monday, which is tomorrow .
I hope I get promoted, I hope my prayers get fulfilled .
Positive thinking is all I can do now,
In shaa allah I'll get promoted .
Amin .

Oh, and so many love and thanks to Addy, Ibu Lynn and Ami for the 
support, motivation and 'cheer up's .
I feel blessed to have all of you in my life and I appreciate all the kind
words given . Thankyou xx .

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